NEA taking the past into the future

NEA Spring 2017 Meeting agendas

2017-03-17 9:47 AM | Michelle Romero

To all NEA members:

You are invited to attend the NEA Executive Board meeting Thursday, March 23rd from 1:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. at the Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis. You can access the meeting's agenda on the NEA website. The agenda for the NEA Business Meeting on Saturday, March 25th also at the Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis is available on the website.

Unable to attend in person? NEA is committed to making our board meetings open to all members. If you would like to request remote access to part or all of the meeting, please contact the Inclusion and Diversity Coordinator, Anna Clutterbuck-Cook  ( and we will do what we can to accommodate your request. You can always access board meeting minutes on the NEA website.

Thursday, March 23rd | 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. | Resort and Conference Center at Hyannis

After the Executive Board meeting on Thursday, all NEA Spring 2017 Meeting attendees and workshop participants are invited to attend a free bystander intervention training session with Independence House, Inc., Cape Cod’s leading resource, counseling and advocacy center to address and prevent domestic and sexual violence. In conjunction with the new Code of Conduct, this training session will help NEA create a culture of active engagement around issues of harassment, giving our membership the confidence to address situations in the moment – perhaps even before they get to the level of a formal complaint.

These skills are also transferable to your work environment and community beyond your professional life. In this political moment when people from marginalized groups are experiencing a rise in aggressive, hateful words and actions, equipping yourself to actively address such incidents before they escalate is a valuable act of solidarity

Anyone interested can RSVP online. For any questions, please contact Anna Clutterbuck-Cook, Inclusion and Diversity Coordinator at

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