NEA taking the past into the future

Call for 2019 Election Nominations

2019-07-31 6:10 PM | Kelli Bogan

Dear NEA Members,

The 2019 Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for the following positions on the New England Archivists Executive Board, to be voted on in the upcoming fall elections.  

  • Vice President/President-Elect
  • Secretary
  • Representative-at-Large (one open position)

We encourage you to consider nominating yourself or a colleague to join NEA’s leadership. Serving on the NEA Board is a great way to support archivists and allied professionals in our region, meet colleagues, build your resume, and develop skills in strategic planning, budget management, community outreach, and more.

The NEA Board works collaboratively toward achieving the goals outlined in the organization’s current Strategic Plan and strives to include diverse perspectives in moving NEA forward. The Nominating Committee seeks candidates whose strengths and interests align with NEA’s strategic direction and who are prepared for leadership in the following areas: 

  • Inclusion and Diversity – build an organization welcoming to, and representative of, all of New England’s archivists and allied professionals;
  • Advocacy and Outreach – advocate for policies and resources that support archives, archivists, and allied professionals and increase public appreciation of the profession;
  • Community Engagement – create opportunities for members to join together in collaborative, cost-effective, and innovative ways;
  • Membership Development – sustain growth through building membership and meaningful engagement; and
  • Education – cultivate and provide lifelong learning opportunities at all career stages.

As a member of the Executive Board, you would attend quarterly, daylong board meetings, the location of which often changes from meeting to meeting in order to accommodate members from around the New England region. You would also participate in the development of NEA's new strategic plan, to take effect in 2021. More information about the responsibilities of the Vice President/President-Elect, Representative-at-Large, and Secretary positions can be found on the NEA website, here.

We encourage members at any stage of their career to consider running, and we especially encourage nominations from archivists of color, and individuals representing all six New England states and all organizational types. If you are interested in stepping into a regional leadership position or know someone who would be a good candidate, please submit a Nomination Form. All submissions are anonymous and confidential. Questions about the election and the nominating process can be sent to any member of the Nominating Committee. 

Nominations are due on Friday, September 6, 2019. 

New England Archivists’ strength is its membership, and each year we are privileged to elect new leaders from among you. Thank you for helping us continue to develop NEA as a strong and vital organization.


The 2019 NEA Nominating Committee

Karen Adler Abramson (chair), JFK Presidential Library, MA (

Prudence Doherty, University of Vermont (

Ellen Doon, Yale University, CT (

Sarah Galligan, New Hampshire Historical Society (

Heather Moran, Maine State Archives (

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